File folder games are a quick and easy way
to reinforce a concept.
If an answer key is provided for self-correcting,
the student can use the games alone
for quiet learning time.
Yes, I said quiet.
It happens once in awhile.
Sometimes a simple workbook page
to reinforce a concept.
If an answer key is provided for self-correcting,
the student can use the games alone
for quiet learning time.
Yes, I said quiet.
It happens once in awhile.
Sometimes a simple workbook page
can easily become a file folder game.
Watch for concepts that your child may need extra work to master,
or concepts your other kids will need to reinforce, as well.
This day we were learning which consonants are doubled at the end of word.
Watch for concepts that your child may need extra work to master,
or concepts your other kids will need to reinforce, as well.
This day we were learning which consonants are doubled at the end of word.
This is a page from a very old Bob Jones Spelling Grade 2 workbook,
first used by my married daughter, Jana.

first used by my married daughter, Jana.
We copied the pages for years,
or had the kids write their answers on paper.
or had the kids write their answers on paper.
Beka is the only child who gets to write in the book.
For some reason, writing in a workbook
is a big, big deal to my homeschooled children,
whose mother is verystingy thrifty.
For some reason, writing in a workbook
is a big, big deal to my homeschooled children,
whose mother is very
My alpha and omega,
my first and my last child,
enjoying the moment
of a book that is older than half my children.
To make the file folder game,
I started by making two copies of the worksheet,
I started by making two copies of the worksheet,
one on regular paper, one on cardstock.
I always print on fast draft to save ink.
I cut out the images from the paper copy and glued them down.
I used self adhesive laminating sheets to cover the pictures.
It makes the game last longer and makes it washable.
Yea, you know it,
even file folder games might get kid snarf on them.
A little bit of peanut butter or jelly,
a dribble of milk,
or a booger.
OK, there might be momma goobies on them, too,
like coffee dribbles or a crumble of chocolate that dropped while
you were frantically shoving candy into your mouth before the kids caught you.
Sometimes, mommies don't like to share.
Sometimes, mommies don't have to share.
Chocolate, that is.
Back to the game that we are making washable -
The apples on the cardstock were laminated on both sides
and carefully cut out.
Little pieces of velcro were glued...
...onto the game board
...and onto the little apple pieces.
A simple game to reinforce a concept.
The smaller pieces are kept in a small resealable bag or an envelope
and stored inside the file folder.
The game is stored in my file folder box of games
and will be played a few more times a year.
Games break the monotony of book/workbook learning,
and they can be used interactively between student and teacher,
or individually by the student.
Years ago, my husband and I noticed that almost ALL kids are excited to start school.
Somehow, that joy of learning is lost, and kids, in all learning environments,
begin to dislike school and learning.
After homeschooling 17 years,
I learned that sometimes Mommies lose their joy of teaching.
What do you do in your home to stimulate that joy of learning and teaching?
Even if you public or private school,
I know you are putting in a lot of teaching hours with homework.
I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I used file folder games as a classroom teacher, but I haven't ever pulled them out with my crew. No idea why...guess I had more time to be creative back then ;) Who would have thought teaching 30+ kids at a time would be easier than homeschooling 4!?!