Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's All Worth While

Homeschooling is a hard path. I can't gloss over the reality.  Buying books and supplies for an entire year is a challenge.  Keeping up with each subject for each kid is more challenging.  Recording grades and filing proof takes diligence and organization.  Being kind and patient as you repeat the same instructions over and over and over is challenging.  Breaking up another fight when the kids have lost their cool without losing yours is more challenging.

When homeschooling is added to a life that already includes three meals and two loads of laundry a day, the task can only be tackled with Undaunted Courage.

But, every day, there is always that little reminder,

that little reward,

that little encouragement...

....that reminds you that it is all worth while...

(a love note on top of the pile of work that needs to be corrected)

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